söndag 14 april 2024

Nicolaus Philippi Falk: Vicar in Övertorneå (1625)


Nicolaus Philippi Falk, was vicar in Övertorneå parish around 1625 and until his death.

Falk is mainly known through the documentation of the accident that befell him through the fire, which in 1636 destroyed the entire vicarage including its barn where the year's harvest and his tithe were stored. For this reason, Falk received two years' freedom from payment for his priest's board tax from the governor Stellan Mörner.

Falk's daughter, Maria Nilsdotter, married Nicolaus Nicolai Ulopolitanus, who became Falk's successor as vicar.

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Henricus Johannis Tornberg: Vicar of Koutokeino, Vicar of Ylitornio and Chaplain of Alatornio (1719)

Henricus Johannis Tornberg (born in Kautokeino, Norway, 1678), was the first vicar of Koutokeino. Prior to his vicariate, he served as the c...